Realising I am not alone anymore.

For all I had been through
The memories I shall escape
To a newer wonderland
Called obsessedtendency

04 July, 2009

#88 - Third time,

Second & Third & Fourth week of June Holidays
: English project, Facebook, Anime, English project

First week of June holidays
: English project x2, English project x3

My English project had been redoing thrice. First was horrible - everything was full of mistakes. Second - Improved a little, but too many vocabs used. Third - On the way completeing. I am so disappointed, I stayed up till >1am in the midnight for 5 consective days then found out it needs a whole change. I am guessing, this is life. Never once it will be perfect and neither a total failure.

From 18 viewers to 11?! My nuffnang.

Ace-learning's quizzes are available now. Remember to complete it before Tuesday, 2Crichton. I am probably the last to know haha xD

Anime \m/.